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See what playlists a song is on while playing the song

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:10 pm
by jintor

I've been using PlayerPro for over a decade now and it's one of my favourite apps.

Recently I've been going mad trying to edit my playlists and trying to remember what songs are on what playlists, trying to remove them easily etc. I have a few suggestions in terms of management though I don't know if they are all possible.

1) Be able to see from a song which playlists the song is already on (specifically from the 'currently playing' focus screen). I haven't seen any other music players with this feature, although you can kind of fake it in MediaMonkey Android (the 'find more from' button additionally lists Playlists a song is on)

2) Easily remove a song from any given playlist it is on. Right now you can very easily remove it from the 'now playing' list, but to remove it from a playlist you need to back>playlists>select the playlist>search (name artist etc)>find green song>remove from playlist. That's too many buttons!

3) In a similar vein, the next time you 'back' to search within a playlist, the app automatically clears your search term and you may have to re-enter it. It would be good to be able to 'preserve' a search even when you have shifted away from focus.

Thanks for listening